Easy way to quit smoking (Based on Allen Carr)

Hii! Everyone. This is a short summary of Easy Way to quit smoking process written by Allen Carr. It is quite useful for having a glance and factors which are responsible for smoking and the process itself to Nicotine Addiction free zone. It might be not understood to everyone but the person who has gone through that process may reinforce the ideas with these points and go on rejoicing the freedom. So, here it starts:-

  • Its not easy for everyone to follow all guidelines provided by Allen Carr, so understand the instructions carefully
  • Smoking trap is like an ‘Ingenious Maze’ which have
    • many junctions at every turn
    • Toxic fumes
    • And its very easy to come out if you have guided map
  • There are 2 sides of addiction :-
    • 1. How will I cope up with leaving my addiction/ my crutch/ my friend
    • 2. Fear of Cancer, Fear of Diseases
  • Finances doesn’t even come in mind
  • To escape from Nicotine Trap, there are instructions like
    • 1. Follow all instructions
    • 2. Open up your mind
    • 3. Start quitting with a feeling of elation and happy frame of mind
    • 4. Don’t try to quit and cut down cigarette intake while you are reading until you have smoked your final cigarette, you can do so if you are re-enforcing your quit
    • 5. Analyze your smoking being aware while you are smoking
    • 6. List the factors which are important for you, find most suitable.
  • Think about :- How cigarettes relieves stress and How it increases focus? And How it relieves boredom ? Is it possible reasons to continue smoke?
  • Does smokers chose to Smoke? Answer is a Big ‘No’. When did you choose to smoke for life? Actually, you never did.
  • Focus on why we smoke instead of why we should not smoke.
  • Quit for selfish reasons as you will enjoy your life more with rejoice being non smoker.
  • Don’t Procrastinate. Procrastination is because of ‘Fear of Failure’. Don’t worry, it will be taken care of very soon.
  • When we start smoking, if it initially feels of having good taste, then it would have been alarming for us that we could be addicted but in reverse it feels awful, so we think that we will never be hooked up. So its the beginning of journey of a smoker.
  • Maze / Nicotine trap is subtle.
  • Little Monster ( Nicotine Craver). Nicotine- Fastest drug to mankind for being addicted
  • Nicotine quantity post 30 mins- remains half
  • Nicotine smoke- within 7 seconds of igniting cigarette- Nicotine reach to Mind and craving fades away with the supply of fresh nicotine

Smoking is like Wearing Tight shoes to get pleasure of getting it Off

We enjoy only the relieve of aggravation of removing tight shoe

Why we smoke?

We smoke just to feel like being Non-Smoker.

Little Monster = Empty insecure feeling when nicotine leaves body

Big Monster = Brainwashing that smoking gives pleasure, smoking is crutch and boost confidence, happiness etc. In-spite of heavy cost and health risk, smoking is enjoyable.

There is no physical pain when we quit. It feels like little hunger. Slowly and gradually we don’t realize its happening and little nicotine monster is starving.

Smoking trap works ‘Back to Front’

When we smoke= We feel relaxed

When we don’t smoke= We feel craving

Mind fooled us that Cigarette is relieving nicotine craving instead of giving insecure feeling and raising it.

What is Genuine High?

  • There is no downside of Genuine high
  • Enjoyed at the time
  • Not feeling of deprivation afterwards

Awful low is created by previous doses of smoking

Its only when we are hooked we thick there is genuine pleasure in smoking.

We continue to smoke only to feed Nicotine Monster

All drug addicted person tend to group together because when more person make group for doing same thing, it feels quite justified and act seems to be justified.

Heroine, Cocaine addicts take these drugs only to remove the low created by previous dose and next dose increase this low.

Ritual of smoking is so similar to hunger.

We don’t enjoy or feel pleasure in Herbal Cigarette as there is no presence of nicotine like normal cigarette.

Chain smokers know more about vicious loop because hunger of nicotine monster is so much increased including body tolerance. So, there is never enough nicotine, or how much you smoke that hunger is not going to relieved.

One dose of nicotine in blood vein directly will kill you.

Human body is sophisticated machine. Its not wise to temper it.

Drug Addiction :-

  • Tendency to need drug more and more
  • Relieves less and the insecure feeling rising continuously created by early doses
  • Increase low continuously wide and wide

Means, we need to bear the low feeling continuously being smoking continuously. Its like “No enough Water to extinguish this Fire

Smoking = Thin end of wedge

Will Power method = waiting tend to use substitute

Comparison of Eating and Smoking :-

  • Both cases feels satisfied
  • till craving, we don’t need either
  • Smoking dramatically differs
  • Food gives longevity, Health and natural benefits
  • whereas, smoking is dramatically different gives lethargy, filthy taste, unhealthy fumes, breathing problems, toxins
  • Eating doesn’t create hunger for food whereas smoking far from relieving increase insecure feeling
  • If we don’t smoke at first place, we don’t need smoke
  • In contrast, we need food.

Reversing the Brainwashing:-

  • Smokers continue to smoke only to feed little nicotine monster
  • What actually we are enjoying when we are smoking.

For example, we don’t want to stay in AC room while we need to smoke, not able to enjoy so many things, not able to go anywhere for roaming, not able to cop up with someone because not having opportunity to smoke and avoiding the situations where we are not allowed to smoke

Do you wear tight shoes to the feel the pleasure of ending aggravation?

Smoking is strongly contributed to Boredom :

  • Illusion-ary situation of pleasure grow and control the void situation with whom, where and what we are doing.
  • Lethargy by smoking makes it nearly impossible to go somewhere or being physically active.

Continuous Itching on a wound which has been created by initial period of smoking. Itching, scratching, smoking doesn’t cure the wound, it increases.

Its the big monster which makes us feel that you cant cope up with situation without scratching/ smoking . You feel pleasure of scratching due to brainwashing.

Moodiness is created by smoking not cured.

Why we feel stupid if our children start smoking? Why don’t we feel it stupid for ourselves?

Are smokers stupid?

No, smokers are not stupid. If anyone is not able to solve Rubik Cube, is he stupid? No, he is not stupid. Same with ingenious maze of nicotine.

Smoking is stupid but Smokers are not.

It takes huge will power to quit?

No, it takes understanding of the maze and getting out of the prison taking the right turn at every junction of the maze. If you are not able to take right turn at this point of time, surely you will not be able to take it in future. Therefore, very necessary to get out of this maze.

You are completely dominated by weakness

Quitting have nothing to do with Will Power

As Will power is exercised on others and Smoking is ‘Conflicting of Wills’

It take a particular strong will person to block their mind, and bear social pressure knowing its health hazards of smoking, huge losses financially, peer pressure etc. It takes physically strong person with great will to continue smoking.

Will power doesn’t help to solve Rubik Cube and quitting smoking

Drug makes us believe everything to take that particular drug to whom individual is addicted.

This maze… very twisting and Confucius with brainwashing.

Incredible pleasure of being a non smoker:-

  • There is no feeling of sacrifice and no giving up
  • Moment of revelation is that moment of being free from Permanent cough, asthmatic congestion, cardiovascular diseases etc and permanent state of lethargy
  • Several diseases due to smoking
  • Few days after quitting, will get up totally refreshed, sheer joy of bursting energy, sheer slavery of smoking gone, where , when, how worry gone for smoking, not bothered to think about with whom and where to go or not. Fully active, confident and happy.
  • Slavery will get worse and worse if we continue
  • Free of being self despising= How lovely it is to be free. Feeling that there is no weakness in you
  • Return of Confidence and courage.

Smoking was killing me surely, but it was taking my confidence, courage, my character and personality.

“When you are physically and mentally low, there is nothing worst than that”

After I hooked on smoking, I didn’t like physical examination, medical etc

When you will quit, you get physical and mentally strong.

Problems seems to be problems.

Life is marvelous, it meant to be enjoyed.

What about if you continue smoking, what about gregarine will come up, what about diseases.

Open up your mind, people lose their legs rather than quitting smoking.

You by smoking ends the sheer joy of living. Its so lovely to enjoy life. Life is so much more enjoyable as non-smoker.

Why it should be difficult to quit? Nobody forces us to smoke, we smoke. If we want to quit, why it is difficult.

Even before I was expecting to extinguish my last cigarette, I was free.

When it hurts me, there was no physical pain. We suffer from Nicotine withdrawal throughout life while we are on smoking. Fortunately, we are not so seriously hooked on the drug after three weeks.

Attempt to quit create panic.This fear stop their attempt to quit. Have no fear, panic feeling is triggered by little nicotine monster but caused by Big monster (Brainwashing)

No physical pain but effect is physical.

We will kill big monster before extinguishing last cigarette.

Panic feeling is purely mental that we can’t enjoy and cop up with life without smoking

  • Smoker go full night without smoking during sleep
  • Smokers don’t smoke where they are not allowed, where they cant smoke
  • Some smokers smoke only after breakfast post coming out of home
  • If there is pain, it doesn’t matter what time and what situation it is.
  • It starts before you run out of smoking. Just thought of running out of cigarette give us panic feeling, even if you are smoking. It doesn’t caused by Nicotine Withdrawal.
  • In fact, just the thought of running out of cigarette gives panic feeling. My body is flooded with Nicotine. That horrible panic feeling doesn’t happen due to withdrawal

Drug creates that horrible panic feeling because people use will power method previously without understanding the maze.

When we come to know that smoking is giving us nothing and we try to quit it and we have a feeling of genuine sacrifice, we don’t know what it is. But feeling that we are giving up or sacrificing. Why smoking is so precious, we don’t know. We don’t know, that it is little nicotine monster starving.

Then, instead of quitting smoking with sense of elation of free from slavery, we quit it with doom and gloom. The importance of the fact due of which we want to quit smoking gets faded and disappeared, however little nicotine monster has not fade. For some unknown or illogical reasons, we want to have a cigarette. But we also feel that we should not smoke. We don’t know that feeling itself is just the death row of little nicotine monster. And what happens, when we want smoking and cant smoke, you feel miserable and deprived. During depression time, if not smoking then it increases the depression. Banging head against wall. This gives illusion that you cant have cigarette without immense deprivation and miserable pain.This is not more than Kids tantrum for chocolate and mental anguish can be a genuine torcher. That moment mind says from being a non-smoker to ‘i need a cigarette’ to ‘to be occasional smoker’ to ‘to be a smoker’. Then doubts will creep in and resolution of quit smoking will despair in will power method. Excuses of quit smoking are also illogical in will power. And at last, I thought trying may times quitting that I cant cope without smoking, I would rather live short and happy life with my smoking.

We have feeling of sacrifice and that doesn’t go post quitting. That is the most problematic issue in the will power method which every smoker has adopted earlier several times.

If you are not going to do something, you are not wanting to do in future also. But what happens with smoking.

Smokers doesn’t feel different than non smoker other than confidence, courage and energy wise. Lousy smokers want to have it and cant have it. That’s why smokers feel so difficult when they try to quit through will power. This is the feeling of self imposed trauma.

We are not waiting to be free, we will be free when we extinguish last cigarette.

Cutting down will not work. As Nicotine monster remains alive and enlarge big monster. If you don’t have will power to quit, you will not have will power to cut down also. By Easy way method, we would be free as soon as we smoke our final cigarette.

“Its the desire and doubt and not able to look at the maze trap as it is, of smoking which making us feel to smoke. But this desire to smoke is illusion, because we are not getting relieved of it instead increasing these smoking cravings due to insecure feeling.’

Fly being trapped in a pitcher plant, sooner plant start to eat fly. In case of smoking, Nector is also illusion. In-fact, initial cigarette creates insecure feeling and other continue it widening.

When we smoke, we wish we want to be non-smoker. When we don’t smoke, we wish to be smoker. This is ‘Hell side of both worlds’

When you start first time smoking, you started a fuse in your body, one day it will explode, some were very late to quit smoking before fuse explosion. Now also, it is burning.

Smoking stops every organs and immune system to function efficiently and in properly manner. Gangarine, Arthroclisis, Permanent black color of face, violent pain in chest, anzima, feeling giddy, blockage of arteries. You don’t need to worry, because you are free from these all. Hurray!!!!! All these go within first month of quitting. As soon you quit, you can recover. Miracle that I didn’t suffer heart attack.


  • Quality of life being smoker
  • Incredible power of human body post quitting being super human

VOID : We believe that we live in stress,,,,,, Ridiculous. We are not in war, not in fear of attack from wild animals. Human race survived thousands of years. Now a days, Modern man was made to believe that they are vulnerable, weak and they need support for every minute thing. This is ‘Void’.

You don’t need anything as smoke, Noooooo… You don’t need anything in place. You are completely free. How animals survive and living in wild without doctors and any experts. Human body is sophisticated machine and this is brainwashing that we need drug. And feeling insecure is void. Many have been failed to remove the feeling of ‘void’.

Surrounded by smokers, void enters. Feel that I am completely free from Nicotine Addiction. Remind! How nice it is to be free and be prepared . Can genuinely smoking relieve depression, anxiety, stress, concentration issue, boredom etc. That is mental block. Cigarette increases these all problems.

Feel Free!!! You are completely free.

You don’t need anything. You are having permanent pleasure of being permanent non smoker instead of being temporary non smoker. NO VOID.

When you have the urge of smoking think about the situation you were in last time while you smoke. Does it give any pleasure? No, it just gave more aggravation and prolong insecure feeling, anxiety, depression, lethargy. It increases the life of little nicotine monster. Its the Void which makes us search for substitute. Don’t torcher yourself to find a substitute.

Smoking is itself a disease. Nicotine trap is in itself a biggest downside.

Post quitting, Nicotine monster will remind you that ‘ I want a cigarette’. Eventually, you will have toffee as an substitute. Further, again till you search for macoy.

Instead say – Hurraayyyyy! I am free. How good it is that Nicotine monster dying. I am getting free and its dying.

Nicotine withdrawal is so slight that it does not need substitute.

Big monster desire only to fulfill the life of little nicotine monster. Remember, we don’t need substitute. We just need to remove the desire of smoking. Desire because we think that smoking will help but smoking instead of helping created the aggravation and problems. Anything bad happening post quitting is not just because you quit smoking but because you smoked it in first place.

Instructions leading to become non-smoker:-

  • Don’t wait for something to happen
  • Its waiting and uncertainty that make quitting harder
  • Be certain by removing the uncertainty by removing all illusions that we think to continue smoking. Illusion is the belief that we receive genuine pleasure form smoking and if we continue without smoke, life will not be worth living.
  • Stressful situations/ Exciting occasions : Best to prove yourself that you don’t need to be miserable for enjoying social occasions. Soon you will feel that you have achieved marvelous.
  • Hurrayyyy! Isn’t it marvelous that I am free. I am a non-smoker.
  • Just accept short of temptation, sabotage starving inside your body try to fade your resolution, will raise disorientation for a while.
  • Even a small change bring disorientation. It is good for you. Do not undermine you resolution. Just accept it. Soon , it will go. There would be just few disorientation initially which are natural and good for you.
  • Slight inconvenience is not just because you stop smoking, it is because you started. Non smokers doesn’t suffer these all inconveniences.
  • Get it clearly in you mind that actual physical nicotine withdrawal is so small that its not even we realize its there.
  • We only know the feeling ‘I need a Cigarette’. Its the tiny little insecure feeling which trigger big monster, brainwashing that cigarette are there confidence, crutch, courage that we can not cope up with life. We have till now killed big monster. Its only the little nicotine monster which would start dying now.
  • Empty feeling is identical to normal hunger and normal stress feeling.
  • Be prepared for a feeling but don’t worry about it. Little nicotine monster is not capable to crave. Its the brain which crave.
  • If you do have the feeling of ‘I want a cigarette’, Don’t get into panic and don’t worry about it. Just pause and say to yourself that I know what this feeling is, I suffered it almost my life. Isn’t it marvelous that it is dying and I am free.

Is not it great! I am already free. If your enemy died, you can rejoice and go on rejoicing life long. You are no longer a pathetic Nicotine Addict. Rejoice that you have escaped the slavery of nicotine trap. Your wounds are getting healed and you are getting better. There are no advantages to being a smoker and there are horrendous disadvantages. People loving will be so happy and you will be more aesthetic and better equipped to handle stress.

Remind yourself and be prepared, when next time it strikes you mind and see the maze as it is. Don’t doubt your decision. Just train your mind whenever next time you think of : Yippeeeee@! I am a non smoker. You have quit smoking, not living life. So, don’t change your lifestyle. Isn’t it marvelous that I can enjoy these moments without choking my body, without taking toxic fumes, without hampering my health and enjoy the gunge leaving my body and break down these dominating associations. You have not given up anything, go directly to social occasions. Don’t question your decision. Just reinforce your decision. Be prepared. Don’t worry about this. Don’t envy other smokers. Have pity on them. Others have to continue smoking but you are free. Non-smokers reamins non-smoker. It is the smoker who need to get out of filthy addiction. Its the smokers who are deprived of health, self confidence, courage etc. But You will be feeling like Super-man and enjoying the whole process.

SOLEMN VOW : I am free form Nicotine Slavery and Nightmare. I will never doubt my decision. If 100 times it is asked that ‘Do you want to be smoker?’ 100 times your answer must be a big ‘NO’. Start with a happy frame of mind. See the maze as it is.


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