Hey! How’z u people?
Hope all good. I came across this subject “Cyclical Emotional Patterns”. And there is a reason to come across this topic as I, myself feeling in the trap of same thing.
Today i want to tell you about my experience of the same thing. So, it begins here:
Yesterday and day before yesterday it was too damn depressive and aggressive for me. I was insecure emotionally, so depressive as well having aggression also. Despite I assume I know about most of its dilemma. May be theoretical, whats these emotions reasons, its ego that raise these things in mood, behavior and blah…. blah…. blah……. I don’t want to give emphasis on this portion at present that why they happen, as you might be aware about this, its ‘Ego’ of oneself which give rise to Rag (राग) and Dwesh (द्वेष). This is a detailed topic and very subjective which would be not easy to cater this in the same blog. So better to leave it. And in further continuance, I want to put emphasis on its patterns, how it is happening again and again over a period of time during whole life and certain type of emotions in certain type of age cycle.
May be you all will be agree with me, that yes, this all happen in cyclical patterns and most important thing is this, that these cyclical patterns are most of the time are in a well established coordination with nature’s cycle. Now, what is this “Nature’s Cycle”. Here, I am referring to earth rotation around sun due to which seasons are happening at different latitudes, rotation of moon around earth due to which different size of tide at different places, rotation of planets around the sun in which how much they come closer to earth and their impact, and many more. I personally don’t want to dive into Astrology as this could be totally different aspect.
Here, I just reiterated on the topic being very practical and which could be easily understood by applying minimum awareness. So, i want ot tell u my experience at present …..
I rank myself as the beginner at awareness level as i have come across many types of meditation and awareness programmer at different stages of my life. So, over a period of time i have been able to understand myself better than before. And this process has worked out in many way in molding my overall personality. As i was talking about my last 2 days experience, it was totally dramatic and was getting out of control for me, although i took the help of biggest weapon which is ‘Being Silent’ for me as it doesn’t extend its repercussions in family or all around us. But all this was so turbulent for me that I started feeling totally uprooted and became so much less confident for a while that i doubted my self conscience. I thought whether I am on the right path of being ‘Self Aware’ or all this has resulted in ridiculous situation. So, this was my experience for a certain period. I was thinking that i had not hampered my body in the way it is triggering these emotions, and about mental process also i have been aware at a certain level then why this all happening.
It takes time for me to realize that this is all happening over a period of time again and again in intervals. Soon, i came to know that I am exposed to various types of cycles due to composition of earth, moon and very terrestrial bodies all around us. Not even me, every thing under the surface or above the surface including human being is exposed to these things. This is the ‘Universal law of Interdependence‘. Every thing how tiny it may be at one corner of universe exert a certain level of impact on other eg. like a chemistry lab we see naa…every chemical associated with other have a impact like crate new chemical with different properties or having same properties with different appearance or not reacting with each other etc. In the same way, everything is made up of certain or uncertain chemistry, let it be how small it is or how big! let it be organic or in-organic. But we know up to certain extent that everything appears under the sun is chemically composed and it has the ability to come under conversion at a particular situation i.e. pressure, temperature, gases etc. For example simplest formula, H2O = 2 Atoms of Hydrogen + 1 Atom of Oxygen. How simply it seems, but it is not i think. Same hydrogen reflecting different type of properties when it is used as in drinking water, same hydrogen showing different properties when it is used as fuel or same hydrogen in H2SO4 (Sulphuric Acid) showing acidic properties. So, here is the rational mind will tell you that same thing or matter when exposed to different situations, it behaves differently at a gross level. We don’t need to dwell scientifically in huge details. And we also know that different type of energy gets converted into one another and different type of motion retains different level of energy also.
In gross, we come to know that every thing in universe has its energy level and put certain effect each other. In this so called nature, nothing is independent… everything is bound with Universal law of Interdependence at a percentage. And the choice of being free from this bondage, i think any other creature has or not but many human beings has been able to achieve in past.
So, the fact is ‘Human Body’ is also made up of bio-chemicals whether they are in periodic table or not, whether they have been invented, identified or not…….. And our every cell in body is having a memory or every chemical in universe has its memory. I want to clarify this thing here that if we see it a minuscule level, a atom of a particular chemical behaves in a certain way in same situation again and again…. here this could be called as its memory to have the capacity to behave in same way again and again and in same way our body cells also have memory to behave in a particular situation in same way again and again. And now it has been proved scientifically that One gram of DNA can store up to 215 petabytes which is Unprecedented Storage Density. This means that a mere gram of DNA can hold approximately 220,160 terabytes, illustrating the massive potential for data storage in a minimal physical space. And this huge memory or storage is exposed to various natural conditions, seasons, food, thought process, terrains, topography, terrestrial bodies etc. Now, take the brain, it is also made of bio-chemical and hugely of water. And there are billions of neurons all over in different parts of brain making different patterns trying to reach all over when utilized at different tempo or skills.
Here, we come to know that it is evident that some impact of me on things around me and some impact of things all around me at me is sure and definite. However, it is possible that I am not aware about this or not able to observe these impacts. Now, if you want to observe the most evident impact which is easy for newbie (at level of being aware) then you can consider the ‘Moon Cycle’ else i am assuming u are able to observe the impact of seasons on your mood, the impact of different day timings on your mood means when it is sunrise, at noon, when it is sunset etc.
Here I am taking the example of Moon because first of all, its the part of earth who don’t know i need to inform that Moon is the part of Earth’s body where now the Pacific Ocean resides. What is the importance of being in earth’s part?? The importance is that we are also part of earth and as the earth nurture is some way or the other in same way moon also does. I don’t think its only the Moon’s gravity which exert its impact on earth vice versa, there is much more to it. We also very well know that energy keeps changing its forms like matter to energy and energy to matter continuously. So, in the same way our brain is having matter composed most of water and the ability to think derives from there, the ability to feel or being in emotions derives from there and emotions are the form of energy which keeps changing its form from energy to matter like certain hormonal changes in body due to being in a particular emotion. Therefore, there is a sure shot chance of change in energy due to change in matter ultimately due to moon and if there is change in energy then there would be change in emotions also.

This was the rational approach, you dont need to adhere these all things but you try to observe your emotions as per moon cycle like on full moon, on first quarter, on waning or waxing crescent etc. You will surely observe a cyclical pattern because moon is also following a cyclical pattern. And it will take only around roughly 1-2 months, just a simple exercise that u need to note down everyday that how u felt emotionally throughout the day and give a remark.. just one remark about your emotional state for the day and see if it is happening again, when it is happening, are you able to find out any rational reason behind that like any bad incident, bad food etc. And if u come to know about this that these emotions are triggered in cyclical patterns then be better prepared in advance and have a eye on that.Whatsoever, if you are able to observe this thing by experiencing yourself, you will be more equipped to deal with this in more synergy and zeal.
We can talk on this topic endlessely, because there are ‘n’ no of cycles but i took the example of moon because it impacts hugely after being aware about food, environment and thought process.
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